Sat 25 March 2017 10pm-3am
It's hip-happening people! QUEER PARTY!
Leeds Queer Film Festival welcomes you all to our official afterparty! This event will follow the film Waiting For B (yep B as in Beyonce) and will feature some amazing DJs.
Admission to the party is included with the LQFF weekend ticket or can be paid for at the door. There is a sliding scale of £0 to £6 for admission so pay what you can.
Wanna hear the line up?
First up, DJ Annabel will be hitting us with some banging tunes from her collection.
Next is DJ OLA, a DJ from Oakland spinning blends of hiphop, reggaeton, and trap.
Bringing us round with those top songs from BE LGBTQ, DJ Jordan! BE - LGBTQ R'n'B With Edges, the 'BE' in the name is there because you can just come and be yourself, no pretensions, no facades. BE is for everyone yet focuses on the LGBTQ community that would like to hear R’n’B (Rhythm and Blues) blended with Soul, Disco, House, Pop, Rap, Dance Hall, Dub/Broken Beat & more. BE is influenced by the eclectic R’n’B sound of now, the 1980s New York’s Club scene especially Larry Levan’s Paradise Garage and Soul II Soul’s Fairplay nights in the late 80s early 90s.
It's gonna be big. It's gonna be queer. It's gonna be your time to shine.
Bring them dancing shoes, some good vibes and all of your glitter!